Other Services

Crown Lengthening
Crown lengthening is a procedure that exposes more of the tooth above the gumline. Whether you have a “gummy” smile, deep decay, or a crack that runs down the tooth, these are all scenarios where lengthening the portion of tooth above the gingiva allows for proper restoration and esthetics.
What may seem hopeless or anesthetic may actually be a simple fix with prior treatment of crown lengthening.
Endo (within), odont (teeth) is a procedure that does just as the word says – cleans the inside of a tooth. When the nerve of a tooth is damaged it requires cleaning and dressing like any other wound.
If you get a cut, you clean the wound and put a band aid on it. A root canal is no different. It is simply the cleaning and removal of damaged tissue in a tooth which is then filled with a material called gutta percha that seals the space off from further infection.

Bone Grafting
Grafting is a procedure that uses bone from another source to build up bone in areas of deficiency. There are many types of grafts but the type we use here is called xenograft which means it comes in a vial and does not require a donor site (aka not taken from another part of your body).
Grafting is very important for implants and periodontics where bone has been lost.
Internal Bleaching
Internal bleaching is used on anterior teeth that have been root canal treated when necessary. When the nerve is removed from a tooth, it also loses the blood supply from within and dries out and can darken over time.
Internal bleaching is a simple in office procedure that applies a lightening solution to the inside of the tooth until the desired color is achieved. The tooth is then sealed off with a filling as it was prior to treatment.